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You know how people grow and develop and change over time?  I’ve discovered that blogs can do the same thing.

Bon Appetit Hon had its beginnings back in 2007 as Exit 51.  I set it up as a means to keep in contact with my husband while he was overseas.  But as time passed, more and more of Exit 51 became about food.  What I was making, what I was thinking of making, what worked, and what failed.  Not to mention all the food diversions that the Internet threw my way.

So in 2009, just as Exit 51 was about to enter the Terrible Two’s, I decided it was time to make a change.  Call it growing pains, or an identity crisis, or whatever you like.  But to me, the name Exit 51 just didn’t convey the idea that it’s about the food.  And Bon Appetit Hon was born.

Exit 51 still lives on here.   And there will be links back to it since part of moving forward is always remembering where you’ve been.  I hope you’ll follow along and see where this journey takes us.

Want a guided tour behind the curtain of Bon Appetit Hon?  Read my conversation with Jennifer Walker of My Morning Chocolate for the story behind the stories.  It’s like VH1′s Behind the Music, blogger style.  But you get recipes instead of voice overs, hang overs, and mug shots. And you find out what I really think about “original recipe”…not in a KFC way (I’m devoted to extra crispy).  Sad face y’all….the link is broken…and I thought things lived on the Internet forevah.  

Welcome to my kitchen in Smalltimore.  Pull up a chair, make yourself at home, and Bon Appetit Hon.


After nearly five years of being consumed with life’s many curve balls…parenting Miss Libby, another deployment for The Mistah (that would be our 3rd), selling a house, adding cat #2 to the family, and countless other moments that made me go hmmmm…..I felt pulled back to this space.  My reasons are purely selfish…..top among them being because I (finally) can.   Miss Libby no longer requires my attention every second of the day which gives me time to jump back into the kitchen.

And since feeding my family requires me to make actual food, I need all my recipes in one place.  Mom brain has taken its toll on me and the fewer places I have to poke around looking for something, the better…my phone and tablet have been taxed to the limit with open browser tabs for dishes that I think I might want to make or definitely want to make again.  It’s frankly easier for me to just come here.

Lastly, I want to build a place where Miss Libby can come to for the stories and recipes of her youth.  It may take her a lifetime to embrace some of the ways I’ve tried to nourish both her body and spirit, but when she does this space will be waiting for her.

8 thoughts on “About

    1. Sandy, (or may I call you Ms Cheesy McButterton?) so glad you found BAH. Thanks for the kind words and I do hope you’ll stop back soon.

  1. Hi! It’s nice to finally meet you virtually 🙂 I love to cook (and eat) so this blog is right up my alley. I got kale, chard, and beets from the CSA, so I have been pretty heavy on the greens. I made a mushroom, kale, leek, barley stew on Sunday, and last night a stir fry of veggies, including the chard. I’m going to make a pan roasted sea bass with sauteed beet greens and a red beet sauce this week…and I now have a use for the golden beets!

    I look forward to seeing your posts.


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