Flashback Friday – Stat

Flashback Friday

The following originally appeared on 1/5/09 on Exit 51.


2008.  The year SFC successfully completed his second overseas deployment.  The year that I threw caution, and the dismal exchange rate, to the wind and had a fabulous tour of Scotland with my pal Frau Poshizzle.  The year that was many, many things.

It was also the year that I moved Exit 51 to WordPress.  And according to the Stats, it was also year that many of you found me here.  Exit 51 logged 1,353 views from May to December.  The top five posts of 2008 were:


#1 – Notes on a Recipe: Jacques Pepin’s Scallops Grenobolise.

This was one of my favorite recipes of the year.  If you haven’t already done so, you should check this out.  Really.

#2 – Num Yummy

Based on the search terms associated with this post, I think people were really looking for Mr. Num Yummy or the Num Yummy Guy.  But whatever.  Because I think this ode to caramel is a way better find.

#3 – Fast Food @ Home

Repeat after me – fast food doesn’t have to equal a super value meal.  And good food doesn’t have to mean reinventing the wheel.

#4 – Click! Coffee

My entry into the Click! monthly contest may not have won, but I couldn’t have asked for a better excuse to churn out the most excellent coffee ice cream you’ll ever have.  You can thank David Lebovitz for your eventual addiction to this ice cream.  And thank him you will!

#5 – I Can’t Believe It’s Not Mashed Potatoes

What I can’t believe is that I’m just now noticing the typo in that post’s title.  Oh well, hopefully you stop by here for the food, not the spelling.

My thanks to everyone who has paid me a visit in 2008.  Hope to see you back here in the coming year.

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