
Dear Libby,

(new house + new school + new friends + new teachers) / x = 365

I know that math equation makes no real sense regardless of whether you’re using old math or that crazy new math you kids have these days. My point is that the last year brought so much change to your world that I get tired just thinking about it. Thankfully you have loads more energy than your tiredolemomma does.

For you, I’m betting the highlight of the year was eating ice cream (gelato) everyday for ten days in Italy. Here’s what I will always remember….your decision that Medusa’s severed head was a perfectly appropriate Halloween costume for a 1st grader (thanks Ufuzzi); your ability to start the school year as the new kid….not just the new kid but the new Libby because of course there was a Libby there the year before….and end it like you had known everybody forever; the pride I feel seeing your confidence grow…not that it was ever a question but damn if your light doesn’t shine brighter each year.

You amaze me every single day, dear girl. Shine on you crazy diamond.



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